xfwm4 final and too many workspaces

Brandon Wittenburg brandon at futura.net
Fri Sep 26 22:06:38 CEST 2003

On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 14:49, John Pettigrew wrote:
> I've just upgraded to xfwm4 final, and I find that instead of the 2 workspaces
> I have configured, I've now got 4! How can I reduce this back to 2? I've only
> got xfwm and the necessary dependencies installed from xfce. However, I looked
> at the ~/.xfce/settings/workspaces.xml and it still says there are 2
> workspaces; none of the other files there seem to have anything about
> workspaces.
> Where can I change this?
> John

XFCE Settings Manager --> Desktop:Workspaces


Brandon Wittenburg

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