Custom background

Philip Dean pddean at
Thu Sep 25 21:37:01 CEST 2003

Use crontab to periodically execute your script.  This is the easiest way I 
know how to do it.  If your script is written to stay active and just "sleep" 
then you should be able to use the Autostart. Make sure it is executable.

Philip Dean

They say if your PC isn't working reboot...
Hummm.... I haven't rebooted in months!!
Using Linux since 11/99 | 
Linux user #240138 | 
Linux-Mandrake | 

Quoting Yan Seiner <yan at>:

> > FYI, you can simply run xfdesktop to make it change images.
> > 1. copy an image to myimage.png
> > 2. choose myimage.png as background
> > 3. periodically copy a new image to myimage.png and run 'xfdesktop'
> This is what I do - I download pics from various park cams and display
> them.  I ahve a script that downloads them and saves them to a jpeg. 
> How do I start this automatically?
> I tried creating a ~/Desktop/Autostart with my script in it, but it
> didn't work....
> --Yan
> -- 
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