modifying menu.xml problem

John Pettigrew john at
Wed Sep 24 18:25:10 CEST 2003

In a previous message, Didier Wiroth <didier.wiroth at> wrote:

> This should work because I lanuch my terminals from the taskbar with the
> following command without problems: xfterm4 -fa "Andale" -fs 11 -bg

But the quoting is different between this and the version you've been trying
to put into the menu. You need to escape those quotes - is the format
<app name="Terminal" cmd="xfterm4 -fa \"Andale\" -fs 11 -bg \"#FBFAAC\" "/>
or something?

John Pettigrew                         Headstrong Games
john at            Fun : Strategy : Price     Board games that won't break the bank
Valley of the Kings: ransack an ancient Egyptian tomb but beware of mummies! 

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