distribution question

Ken Moffat kmoffat at drizzle.com
Tue Sep 9 07:29:42 CEST 2003

Biju Chacko wrote:

>On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 21:48:50 -0700, Ken Moffat wrote:
>>Found it. Here is an old post I had saved:
>MenuMaker doesn't display the GNOME/KDE menus, AFAIK. It scans for programs that
>it knows about and then sorts them using it's own internal rules.
>It would miss programs it *doesn't* know about. Aside from that, the end result
>is pretty similar to parsing GNOME/KDE menus.
>-- b

Yes, that's the way it looks. But it does make a kde, gnome, xfce4, and 
xfce menu plus a bunch of other menu catagories. Not bad.


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