distribution question

Ken Moffat kmoffat at drizzle.com
Tue Sep 9 06:48:50 CEST 2003

Biju Chacko wrote:

>On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 18:59:44 -0700, Ken Moffat wrote:
>>I wold like to add kde and gnome menus to the right click. Anyone done that?
>I have that on my TODO list for 4.2
>-- b

Found it. Here is an old post I had saved:

1. Copy the file /etc/xfce4/menu.xml to your ~/.xfce4 directory.

	$ cp /etc/xfce4/menu.xml ~/.xfce4

2. Edit this file and remove the comment lines around the "&menu2;" line
which is at the bottom of the file.  It should look like this -



3. Run MenuMaker for xfce4 with the -o switch to create a separate menu
file.  If you do not use the -o switch the menu.xml file in ~/.xfce4
will be overwritten.

	$ mmaker -v -o menu2.xml XFce4

4. Edit this file <menu2.xml> and remove the first 3 lines.  They should
look similar to this -

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE xfdesktop-menu []>

4. Also delete the last line in this file, which should be 


all by itself.

5. Move the menu2.xml file to your ~/.xfce4 directory.

	$ mv menu2.xml ~/.xfce4

6. (Optional) If you want to make this generated menu a sub-menu off of
the main one, edit the menu.xml and put something like this around the
"&menu2;" line -

    <menu name="Apps" visible="yes">


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