XFCE4 FreeBSD 5.1 install problems

gandalfbram at pandora.be gandalfbram at pandora.be
Mon Sep 1 21:40:45 CEST 2003

 "XFce is a lightweight desktop environment for various UNIX  systems." <xfce at xfce.org> wrote:
>Op ma 01-09-2003, om 20:21 schreef Bram Van Dam:
>> At 19:41 1/09/2003, you wrote:
>> I seem to have figured it out. It's not complaining about the file, it's 
>> complaining about gnome-config. Now, someone needs to rewrite that 
>> configure file so its errors make sense.
>Its errors do make sense, perhaps not to you, but that isn't always the
>same ;-)
>> Now I wonder, why doesn't it say *anywhere* that xfce4 requires 
>> gnome-libs-devel? I'll install that and cross my fingers.
>Well, it isn't mentioned because it is definitely not required. Unless I
>am very much mistaken it is even part of gnome 1 ...
>> On a side note, I made a little error here as well, obviously libxfce4util 
>> installs just fine, it's libxfcegui4 that makes a mess of things, my 
>> mistake :o).
>If you post the error messages from configure we might be able to help a
>bit more, now we have to guess.

Included is the output from the configure script from libxfcegui from RC2. RC3 returns the same output, expcept of course for another library version.

If you need any other details by all means just ask so.

Oh and as for the gnome thing .. I just figured that gnome-config would be on the gnome-devellibs thing. I need to take my ritalin :P.

Thx a lot,

 - Bram
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