xfdesktop: position and size of windows

winne at ipx.homeip.net winne at ipx.homeip.net
Wed Oct 29 14:54:32 CET 2003

Hello everybody,

I upgraded from XFCE 3.8.18 to 4.0.0. I must say: "Good work". But I have
one question about xfdesktop-root-menu:

In version 3.8.18 it was possible to view size and position of every
window by right-clicking in the background. Now in 4.0.0 a middle-click
only shows the the titles of the windows sorted by the workspaces. Is it
possible to reactivate the size and position for the middle-click mouse
menu. If not, does anybody know a tool which can display that?

BTW: How can I force a certain position of the taskbar? I cannot find any
config-options other than top/bottom  and a command-line option like
"--geometry -0+0" for a xinerama-double-screen does only work for a tenth
of a second.

Thanks in advance for your replies

P.S.: Have sent this mail already, but it did't appear in the list. Hope
      it will work now.

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