Automatic mount/unmount CDs

Shahar Weiss sweiss3 at
Sat Oct 25 16:30:21 CEST 2003

Paul M. Bucalo wrote:

>On Saturday 25 October 2003 06:43 am, Shahar Weiss graced me with:
>>Olivier Fourdan wrote:
>>>Actually, it's not the task of the user interface, but rather
>>>automount from the kernel.
>>>On Sat, 2003-10-25 at 12:19, Moritz Heiber wrote:
>>>>On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 12:08:00 +0200
>>>>Shahar Weiss <sweiss3 at> wrote:
>>>>>Hello. I was wondering, is it possible to make XFCE4
>>>>>mount/unmount a CD automatically?
>>>>xfmountdev4 does that task.
>>I searched for xfmountdev4 and from the short decription there I'm
>>not sure if that's what I need. What I meant was a way to
>>automatically mount a CD when inserting it to the drive and
>>automatically unmount it as I press the eject button.
>>Or maybe I misunderstood myself?
>>Thanks in advance,
>What distro are you using? Red Hat (and maybe some others) use 
>'autofs' to do just that. As soon as you put in a CD its sensed and 
>is now mounted. The same with removal. Mandrake uses 'supermount', 
>same principle. Are you hoping to see an icon on the Desktop that 
>dynamically changes its 'looks' to show when a CD is mounted or not? 
>As Olivier stated, this is a function of the way you have your O/S 
>setup to deal with ROM's. If your CD's are not automounting outside 
>of XFce, you should manage that feat in the O/S, not XFce. 
>Xfce mailing list
>Xfce at
I'm using RedHat, I'll check autofs out. I'm pretty new to linux, and 
because Gnome automounts them automatically I assumed it has something 
to do with the DE rather than with the distro itself.

Thanks for all the replies and tips,

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