
edscott wilson garcia edscott at prodigy.net.mx
Sun Oct 19 04:36:43 CEST 2003

On Sat, 2003-10-18 at 18:02, rh wrote:
> This is probably a stupid thing to ask but...
> how do you empty the wastebuckets using xffm? I think I have tried every
> menu option and key combination with no luck.

To empty a single bucket, just select it and use any one of the delete
methods (delete key, toolbar button, popup menu, main menu).

To delete all "collected" wastebaskets, select the root level trashcan.
That will activate the main menu and popup options for "delete all
trash". You will also get an option for "uncollect all trash", which
makes the trash collector empty without deleting any wastebaskets.

Finally, if you want to delete all wastebaskets under a certain path,
first uncollect all trash, then select the path under which you want to
collect wastebaskets. This will activate the main menu and popup menu
function for "collect trash". Once trash has been collected, you can get
rid of it with step #2.

If you disable the "autotrash collection" feature, nothing will appear
in the root level trashcan until you specifically collect it.

> r.
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