fetchmail ans spamassassin

Jack Coates jack at monkeynoodle.org
Thu Oct 16 22:26:41 CEST 2003

On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 12:03, Jean Magnan de Bornier wrote:
> Le 10/16/03 Jack Coates <jack at monkeynoodle.org> a écrit notamment:
> >> > > Anyways, you can configure procmail to filter stuff using spamassassin.
> >> > Yes I know, but then spamassassin does not work as a daemon (or am I wrong
> >> > on this?)
> Thanks Jack, but if I do that spamassassin is not running as daemon, which
> what I was asking for 

sorry, but you're wrong on this. Run spamd from a SysV script or rc file
or whatever, then pass it messages with spamc. This is clearly explained
in the spamsassassin documentation.
> >...
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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