Session manager

Moritz Heiber moe at
Sun Oct 5 10:38:57 CEST 2003

On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 09:42:11 +0530
Biju Chacko <biju_chacko at> wrote:

> On Sat, 04 Oct 2003 19:37:03 -0600, Collins Richey wrote:
> > Doesn't appear to be quite rock solid yet.  I got the source from 
> >
> > 
> > It works ok, if I don't select save sessions at exit, but if
> > sessions are saved, it often dies at the next startup, for sure if
> > MozillaFirebird restart is attempted, randomly otherwise.  Solid
> > failure until I blow away ~/.xfce4/sessions.  Also, I had OpenOffice
> > on desktop 4, and it restarted on desktop 1.
> Yes ... it isn't well tested since it wasn't part of the Beta/RC
> process. Unfortunately, it's maintainer (Benny) is kinda busy nowadays
> so I'm not sure when it will stabilize.

I can't confirm this. In fact xfce4-session has been running rock solid
for me.. for month now. I'm using save session on exit too and I never
expecienced any problems while starting or restarting even with 20
application on my desktop. The problem in your case might come from
programs which do not support session management properly enough (I
expect Mozilla and/or to not support it at all). Please try
running smproxy and see if that solves your issue.



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