
Stephen Kuhn skuhn at telpacific.com.au
Fri Oct 3 12:30:27 CEST 2003

On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 20:04, HaywireMac wrote:
> On Fri, 03 Oct 2003 18:59:45 +1000
> Stephen Kuhn <skuhn at telpacific.com.au> uttered:
> > but in the meantime, I've always liked having a term or seven opened
> > for whatever reason...
> me too, and it's sooooo nice to have them all autogroup into one term
> window, and move between them with the mousewheel...
> oh, wait, that only works if you are using Pekwm as the WM  ;-)
> sorry, couldn't resist.

Ya know, I was waiting for something like that from you...

...and as stated before....PEK'er head! (grin)

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
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