
Stephen Kuhn skuhn at telpacific.com.au
Fri Oct 3 10:59:45 CEST 2003

On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 18:35, Biju Chacko wrote:
> > Is there a way to make it float away from the panel and be at least 300
> > pixels wide?
> Sorry, can't do it now. I think it'd be easier to hack xfrun4 to do that than to
> modify minicmd. OTOH, this should be doable by 4.2 when we, hopefully, will have
> multiple panels. So you could have a small panel with only a minicmd plugin.
> -- b

...was mostly a joke - but I certainly can't wait for multiple
panels...THAT is going to be just way cool...but in the meantime, I've
always liked having a term or seven opened for whatever reason...guess
it's "the old days" mentality that stays with me...I tend to reckon that
if you want a "run" dialogue box larger than the mini-cmd that you might
was well just fire up an xterm...so much easier than doing that
new-fangled mouse-click thing...(g)

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
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