X server already running? no session manager?

Paul M. Bucalo pmbuc at pmbenterprises.com
Thu Oct 2 12:28:35 CEST 2003

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 13:52:47 -0700 (PDT)
synaptical <synaptical at linuxquestions.net> graced me with:

> --- Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at xfce.org> wrote:
> > How do you start your session? from a display manager 
> > such as xdm, kdm or gdm or from a console?
> from console with startx, and with "exec startxfce4" in ~/.xinitrc.
> thanks for the quick reply. 

Isn't the answer right here before us? Or am I still too much the
newbie? :0) 

You are starting your Xserver at the console, by executing
'startxfce4'. It checks your ~/.xinitrc which tells the Xserver to
run through the process of starting XFce-4 again. The only components
that will load twice are those that were allowed to (or not kept from
doing so) by the developers. Hence, you have a module loaded twice
every time you start up XFce-4. 

I don't have the 'exec startxfce4' command in my script file because
it *is* the 'startxfce4' script. So, to me it appears that you are
loading 'startxfce4' twice. Your ~/.xinitrc script should be a copy of
the 'startxfce4' script, plus any other environmental issues needed to
run what you need in the background, or in support for KDE or GNOME
environments, not a command to execute 'startxfce4'. 

What do you think? Possible or I am just plain crazy?:0)


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