Fw: Packages of XFce4 v4.0 available for Debian GNU/Linux unstable

Biju Chacko biju_chacko at vsnl.net
Wed Oct 1 11:00:16 CEST 2003

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 20:14:32 +0200
From: Martin Loschwitz <madkiss at madkiss.org>
To: XFce4 development mailing list <xfce4-dev at xfce.org>
Subject: Packages of XFce4 v4.0 available for Debian GNU/Linux unstable

Hi folks,

Software packages of XFce4 v4.0 final were created and are available now 
for the Debian GNU/Linux unstable distribution. They were uploaded to the
official Debian master ftp-server but need manual intervention by the ftp
masters and thus can not be downloaded from there yet.

If you are interested in trying these packages, you can use them by adding
the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:

# XFce4
deb http://people.debian.org/~madkiss/xfce4/4.0.0 ./
deb-src http://people.debian.org/~madkiss/xfce4/4.0.0 ./

The packages will make their way into the official archive as they get
approval by ftp masters.

I want to express my greatest thank to all the fellow developers who
helped to create such an excellent desktop environment. Keep up this
good work.

  .''`.   Martin Loschwitz           Debian GNU/Linux developer
 : :'  :  madkiss at madkiss.org        madkiss at debian.org
 `. `'`   http://www.madkiss.org/    people.debian.org/~madkiss/
   `-     Use Debian GNU/Linux 3.0!  See http://www.debian.org/

Biju 'botsie' Chacko                        biju_chacko at vsnl dot net
http://www.symonds.net/~botsie          Public Key available on request
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