lost in gtk+

Arnd Zapletal a_zapletal at web.de
Sat Nov 15 20:22:06 CET 2003

my question is a bit diffuse, nevertheless:

I'm experimenting a bit with the gtk+themes (coloring, other engines). On my small 800x600 display few of them (eg Kolors, Stellar) show the tasks in the taskbar (don't use the panel) in two rows. (At least from some lower bound of taskbar size on).

I can't get this feature for other themes (*always* single rowed). I compared the gtkrc's and tried this and that. Hmm. I know this is a gtk+ question, but maybe someone knows ad hoc what parameters have to be tuned.

thx 4 listening

BTW: is there a repository for contributed xfwm-themes somewhere? 
I maybe like to share one or two of my home brewed ones

"Die Zukunft war frueher auch besser."  
                             [Karl Valentin]

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