2 minor annoyances

John Pettigrew john at pettigrew.org.uk
Mon Nov 10 10:33:16 CET 2003

In a previous message, synaptical <synaptical at linuxquestions.net> wrote:

> when using "send to...[workspace #]" is there any way to "follow" the
> window to that workspace instead of the focus staying in the current
> workspace?

Ctrl-Alt-End/Home move the current window to the next/previous workspace and
take the display with it. There also seem to be keypad buttons for this
(with Ctrl-Alt also) but they don't work here for some reason.


John Pettigrew                         Headstrong Games
john at headstrong-games.co.uk            Fun : Strategy : Price
http://www.headstrong-games.co.uk/     Board games that won't break the bank
Valley of the Kings: ransack an ancient Egyptian tomb but beware of mummies!

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