
John Pettigrew john at
Wed Nov 5 19:58:58 CET 2003

In a previous message, Amarpreet Rattan <arattan at> wrote:

> I take it that 'checkinstall' only tells the rpm database that the program
> is installed (for dependency reasons) and from what you appear to be saying
> it also installs the program (like make install would).

It does everything that make install does, plus inserting the program into the
rpm database. When doing this, it doesn't set things like the dependencies, so
it's not ideal if you're wanting to pass it on (i.e. someone might install it,
think it's worked because there were no dependency issues raised, but have it
fail). For your own use, though, there's nothing wrong with it because any
dependency nasties would have cropped up during the compilation.

> Also, is there a 'checkuninstall'

Just uninstall as you would any other rpm installation (using YaST or the
command line).

> Also, do you know of any resources that I can read that tell my about
> 'checkinstall'?  I have something called 'max-rpm' a handy little book that
> i downloaded (seems a bit out of day though).

Erm, I don't know offhand - try a quick search in the net.


John Pettigrew                         Headstrong Games
john at            Fun : Strategy : Price     Board games that won't break the bank
Knossos: escape the ever-changing labyrinth before the Minotaur catches you! 

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