Disabling Panel ?

James McDonald james at jamesmcdonald.id.au
Tue Nov 4 22:16:35 CET 2003

Jonathan Galand wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to known if it  is possible to disable the xfce panel ?
> Best Regards.
> -- 
> Jonathan Galand <_alkagord at linux-charleroi.be_ 
> <mailto:alkagord at linux-charleroi.be>>
> LUG Charleroi
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if you are starting xfce with xfce4-session edit your default session 
file mine was located under /usr/etc/xfce4
open default.session and remove or comment it out


smproxy &
xfwm4 --daemon
xftaskbar4 &
xfdesktop &
# xfce4-iconbox &
# xfce4-panel &

if you are running xfce entirely from within you ~/.xinitrc or similar 
just comment out xfce4-panel in it
James McDonald
Singleton Australia

61+ (0)2 65712401
61+ 0428 320 219

Political history is far too criminal a subject to be a fit thing to
teach children.
		-- W.H. Auden

Linux 2.6.0-james3 #4 Thu Oct 30 23:46:04 EST 2003 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
08:10:03 up 5 days, 7:09, 3 users, load average: 0.26, 0.25, 0.24

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