xfce via vnc question

Art Wildman wildman at pobox.com
Sun May 11 11:40:31 CEST 2003

Attached is a script I wrote with help from Mark Price to export a VNC 
session back through an SSH tunnel. The comments are pretty verbose and 
I refer to a lot of VNC WebDocs I've found, so I could remember how to 
set it up again on other servers. I'm currently using it to control a 
9node cluster, XFCE makes a great lightweight VNC Xserver!  -Art at JAX

Art Wildman - wildman at pobox.com  |  ICQ ID# 1096733
Website: http://networkthis.net  |  PGP ID# 0x710B8A1F
"Open Source: The difference between trust and antitrust."

Brad Cox wrote:

> I'm trying to access a remote (headless) server via vncviewer. 
> vncviewer connects fine but the screen is blank with no xfce panel or 
> menus.
> I've installed xfce and dependencies on the server and run the xfce 
> install script as instructed. The .xinitrc file looks fine, as does 
> the .xfce directory. I added an xterm& line to .xinitrc, but that 
> didn't change things a bit.
> I suspect the problem is that I don't understand the X startup process 
> well enough and the xinit process isn't happening. Can someone please 
> advise? Thanks!

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