Xfce 3.8.16 and a different window manager

Ken Moffat kmoffat at drizzle.com
Fri May 2 14:54:57 CEST 2003

brett holcomb wrote:

> Debian needs to wake up then <G>.  Xfce 3.8.18 has been stable for 
> quite a while.

debiian has some very strict criteria for stable inclusion. Maybe it 
just takes a long time.

If you want to try it, change "stable" to "unstable" in your 
/etc/apt/sources.list file, do an

apt-get update
apt-get install xfce

and see what happens.

Xfce4 is in unstable and runs well. There are several packages to 
install if you want to try it.
You would be better off trying synaptic to install xfce4, to be sure you 
get all the packages.
Also, I had to play with the script in /etc/gdm/Sessions to get it to 
work correctly. (using Libranet)

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