Error "This is a two byte font and may not be displayed correctly"

Collins erichey2 at
Mon Mar 3 18:37:57 CET 2003

On Monday 03 March 2003 09:56 am, Joe Klemmer wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 09:10, Adam Illian wrote:
> > The error is in the subject line, and I can't seem to get an answer on
> > how to fix it anywhere.
> >
> > Please help
> 	I just scroll to the nest group until I fond the one that isn't a two
> byte font and use it.

What is a two byte font anyway?  And what good is it if it can't be used?

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Athlon-XP gentoo 1.4_rc2 kde 3.1

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