Iomega zip drive
Joe Klemmer
klemmerj at
Wed Jun 18 17:35:55 CEST 2003
On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 10:05, Tom Coffin D.V.M. wrote:
> New user of linux.Have libranet 2.8. I like xfce. It came configured
> with xvmount cd and floppy. How can I add the zip drive to the pop up
> menu so I can open a zip disk.
xfmountdev is just a shell script. If you look at the panel entries
for the floppy and cd you will see that they are just running xfmountdev
with an argument of a mount point. If your zip drive is in your fstab
then you should just be able to mount it with -
xfmountdev /path/to/mountpoint
Joe Klemmer <klemmerj at>
Unix System/Network Administrator & Ad Hoc Programmer
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