GtK theme engine

Brett I. Holcomb brettholcomb at
Tue Jun 10 01:45:02 CEST 2003

Okay, I have tcl installed, but the script can't find the command wish (the 
first line).  The only wish I have is swish-e (an indexer!).  What package is 
wish part of?

> On Monday 02 June 2003 02:06, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> Hi,
> Themes like the GTK theme engine make the widgets (buttons, scrollbar
> etc..) look different.
> XFSkin is a small TCL script to handle color-settings, icons and sounds in
> a 'skin' (in M$ Windblows they call these themes),
> look at, or
> for more info.
> If xfskin doesn't work, please check if you've got TCL installed, or check
> the paths described in the xfskin script.
> > I've installed the GTK theme engine for xfce - what is it supposed to do?
> >
> > In addition what is XFSkin supposed to do for me?  If I select it it does
> > not run
> >
> > Thanks
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Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><

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