Future of XFce3

Jack Coates jack at monkeynoodle.org
Mon Jun 2 23:54:16 CEST 2003

On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 01:46, Biju Chacko wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sun, 01 Jun 2003 23:29:58 -0700, Jack Coates wrote:
> >  I'd like to see GTK2 support in XFce3, but I certainly don't want
> >  GTK2 bad enough to switch to XFce4, so I would welcome continuation
> >  of the XFce3 code if it happened, FWIW. My tune might change when
> >  XFce4 hits a beta or RC status and can be installed with ./configure
> >  && make && make install, but that's then and this is now.
> A GTK2 version of Xfce3 is probably not worth the effort involved.
> As for XFce4, BETA-1 will be released any day now. The only thing
> holding back the release is time constraints on the part of the
> developers. There is no technical reason stopping us.
> If you pull down the CVS snapshot, there is nothing stopping you from
> doing ./configure && make && make install (Or a 'make rpm' if you
> prefer) today. 

that's great! Congratulations, I'll check it out RSN.

> IAC, the general consensus seems to be that Xfce3 should be maintained,
> so I don't think that it's going to be obsoleted anytime soon.

yes, but I would also expect that consensus to shelve off fast after
XFce4 is perceived as ready. I seem to recall similar discussions w/r/t
past upgrades to XFce.

> The main issue is that somebody has to step forward to maintain the
> codebase. The fact that it works *today* is no guarantee that it will
> continue to do so.

Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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