New applet...

Paul Ladouceur tipaul at
Tue Jul 22 17:20:53 CEST 2003

Seem's like my first post didn't reach the list...

I've asked if there is/will be an applet for dialup? Like a single LED 
on the pannel wich will be: RED for no-connexion, YELLOW when dialing 
and GREEN when connected... When click on it, it will ask for 
connexion/deconnexion depending of the state...

This will truely be very usefull for dialup budies around the world for 

And I don't think that it must be hard to make... There's already 
modemlights applet for Gnome... But for me, only a single LED which 
display the status will be great! (Sometimes, when the modem disconnect 
during browsing, I didn't realize it until I make some "tests"...)

OK, so keep-it going guys!... This is the one that could easily be THE 
XFCE distro desktop!!!   :D


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