Installing XFCE4 under SuSE 8.2

Net Llama! netllama at
Wed Jul 16 22:34:21 CEST 2003

On 07/16/03 13:28, Dennis Tuchler wrote:

> I downloaded xfce4-rc1-rpm-suse82.tar.bz2 and unpacked it to a
> directory.  I then ran yast2 -i * and installed xfce4.  After rebooting,
> I could not call it up.
> Please advise as to what I should check for.

An error message?  A description of what exactly is occuring,and what you 
expect to occur.  "could not call it up" doesn't really tell us anything.

L. Friedman                       	       netllama at
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo:

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