.Xdefaults and xfce4

Harry Putnam reader at newsguy.com
Wed Jul 9 21:58:07 CEST 2003

Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at xfce.org> writes:

> You may want to do a
> xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
> xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

I'm going to try this later today.  But at least you've narrowed it
down to something to do with Redhat 9, maybe.
I noticed Rh x startup setup looks for .Xresources, but my
experiments show it does nothing.  And further that .Xdefaults at
least trys to do something.

I haven't found for sure what all runs with starts X on rh9.  I'm
going thru what appear to be the startup stuff and put echos or
prints to a log or something so I can trace what is happening.

Thanks for the jump start.

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