First post to the list!

Brett I. Holcomb brettholcomb at
Tue Jul 8 02:18:53 CEST 2003

What's lunar? 

> Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> | Do an emerge unmerge xfce4 to get rid of xfce4.  Then do another merge.
> |
> | Note that the ebuild in Gentoo is for 3.91 and is NOT a cvs ebulld -
> in other
> | words it doesn't fetch the lates cvs.  I've been thinking of writing
> an xfce4
> | cvs build but haven't had the time.
> |
> | So if you want the latest and greatest you'll have to either wait till it
> | hits portage or install it outside of portage.
> Or... nudge, nudge... wink, wink... you could just install lunar and get
> cvs code in the modules today!


Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><

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