gkrellm taskbar annoyance

Net Llama! netllama at linux-sxs.org
Thu Jul 3 02:33:04 CEST 2003

Yup, this happens to me all the time too.  Very annoying.

On 07/02/03 17:26, Todd Slater wrote:

> I'm pretty sure this is not an xfce4 problem. I start gkrellm from
> ~/Desktop/Autostart. Everytime I log in, gkrellm is in the taskbar. I
> right-click to configure it, and Do not include in taskbar and pager are
> always checked. So I uncheck and say ok, then recheck and everything's
> ok, it disappears from the taskbar.
> But on next login, back to the same. Again, Do not include in taskbar is
> always checked. Has anybody else had this problem?
> Thanks,
> Todd

L. Friedman                       	       netllama at linux-sxs.org
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