switching with Alt+Tab

mazzanti mazzanti at salleurl.edu
Mon Jan 13 16:22:13 CET 2003

Hi folks,

just a question regarding the way xcfe switches between windows using the 
Alt+Tab keys. As it works in my machine right now, Alt+Tab switches 
windows but it can lead you from one xterm in one workspace to another 
application in another workspace. I'd like to change this, because I like 
to use Alt+Tab to switch between windows in the same workspace only...
Does anybody know what should I do to get this behaviour?


Ferran Mazzanti                           e-mail: mazzanti at salleurl.edu
Departament d'Electronica                       Pg. Bonanova 8, E-08022
Enginyeria La Salle                                   Barcelona (Spain)
Universitat Ramon Llull        Phone/Fax: 34-3-290.24.24/34-3-290.24.16

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