Changing xfterm color or running xterm

Heiko Berges hb-mlist+xfce at
Thu Jan 9 03:18:48 CET 2003

On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 11:09:00PM -0500, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> How do I change colors for just xfterm, or better yet replace 
> it with xterm.  I can run xterm but I get the same colors as 
> xfterm.  I want to customize the background and font colors just 
> for xterm.  When running xterm under KDE I could set the background 
> and fonts.

You can set several options in ~/.Xdefaults, eg.

xterm*background: black
xterm*foreground: lightgreen

man xterm /RESOURCES  will tell you more.


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