graphical login with xfce

Collins erichey2 at
Thu Feb 20 05:55:13 CET 2003

On Wednesday 19 February 2003 04:44 pm, Dragón wrote:
>  --- Collins <erichey2 at> escribió: > On Tuesday 18 February 2003
> 08:59 pm, Collins wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 18 February 2003 03:40 pm, Dragón wrote:
> > > >   Don't forget wdm. It is not a bad option.
> > >
> > > Any help with isnstalling wdm.? I got the tarball, but it needs
> > > something called wraster libs.  Any clue what this is?
> >
> > OK, I found the answer.  WiondowMaker must be installed, even if you
> > don't plan to use it (yeagh!).
>   I've never installed wmaker in my debian woody but wdm works well.
>   I'm using xfce only.
> > Program makes and installs OK, but when I mark it as the window manager
> > for run level 5 (or equivalent) it brings up a nice window, lets me
> > specify the Session I want, prompts me for user, prompts me for
> > paqssword, then promptly
> >
> > fails to login my user (root as well), and presents me with the nice
> > window again.
> >
> > Can anyone comment on what is missing?
> >
> > At present, this is a pretty boat anchor!
>    I don't know. Sorry.

OK, someone had made an ebuild for gentoo, and this is now working.  I believe 
the problem I encountered had something to do with pam.

Thanks for pointing this out; it's really a fine package.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Athlon-XP gentoo 1.4_rc2 kde 3.1

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