Why the forum was down

Bachman Kharazmi bkw at lindesign.se
Sun Dec 28 20:32:19 CET 2003

XFCE forum been down since 23rd till today. 

Reason: a friend of mine had by mistake turnt off a ups. and then there was a power cut of course during the xmas holidays.

I've myself been away for holidays till today so I haven't been able fire up the site.

I really apologize the downtime of the site and hope that this haven't caused too much trouble.


# BKW - Bachman Kharazmi     #
# cellphone: +46 707 310 886 #
# bkw at lindesign.se	     #
# uin: #24089491	     #
# Malmö - Sweden	     #
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