No Answer Last TIme - Trying Again

Darrell Cormier linuxdev at
Tue Dec 23 15:58:51 CET 2003

I have created the following script in ~/Desktop/Autostart/:


# Auto start script

KSTART=`which kstart`
weather=`which wmweather`

$KSTART --window 'MOZ' --desktop 2 mozilla &
$KSTART --window 'AMSN' --desktop 10 /opt/msn/amsn &
$KSTART --window 'weather' --desktop 1 $weather -station KLBB -W &
$KSTART --window 'kshowmail' --desktop 2 kshowmail &
$KSTART --window 'gkrellm' --desktop 5 gkrellm &
$KSTART --window 'ops' --desktop 1 konsole &
$KSTART --window 'jedit' --desktop 12 jedit -background &
$KSTART --window 'xffm' --desktop 21 xffm &
$KSTART --window 'grip' --desktop 6 grip &

-----End Script -----

Everything appears to start fine except not on the right desktop (i.e. 
workspace).  Everything started on workspace 1 instead of where 
specified.  Does anyone see anything wrong with my script?  Did I leave 
something out?  Has anyone ever gotten something similar to work?

p.s. SuSE 8.2 Pro,  xfce4-4.0.1-1suse82

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