xfce environment switching (was XFCE does not kill ...)

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at moongroup.com
Tue Dec 16 16:20:00 CET 2003

Op di 16-12-2003, om 15:32 schreef Ken Moffat:
> Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> >
> >Seriously, this is not supported. Just logout and start a new IceWM
> >session.
> >
> >	Jasper
> >  
> >
> This lessens my use of xfce4. I very much like to switch while leaving 
> apps running. Gnome and Kde are that way, not supporting switching, but 
> the lighter wm's, icewm, windowmaker, flux/black/open box, fvwm, even 
> enlightenment and xfce3 I think, support switching. Is there a level of 
> complexity that won't allow this feature?

I don't understand that at all. The usefulness of an environment is
affected by how easy it is to change to another environment?

The technical problem is that xfce consists of separate programs, so you
can't replace 'xfce' with 'icewm' like the first poster requested. I
don't doubt that it could be done, but I don't think it is really worth
the effort.

If you use the session manager you can kill the window manager and start
another one. You'd still be running the xfce session manager of course.

Honestly, I can't think of a good reason why we should try to support


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