Quitting does not read .bash_logout?

Todd Slater dontodd at columbus.rr.com
Thu Dec 11 21:11:48 CET 2003


I can't seem to figure this one out on my own. I run startxfce4 if I
log in on tty1 (in ~/.bash_profile). I want to remove some files
automatically on log out (not on log in) so I add the commands to
~/.bash_logout. However, when I quit XFce4, I get returned to a log in
prompt and ~/.bash_logout never gets read. I have confirmed that
~/.bash_logout works if I log in/out over ssh.

What happens when I quit XFce4? Is there a way to configure this?


Name that tune #8: I walked down there and ended up in one of them coffee
houses on the block, I'd get on the stage and sing and play, the man there
said come back some other day--you sound like a hillbilly, we want 
folksingers here.

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