Settig 'xlock -mode blank' in 4.0.1

Remco Lubbers rpl at
Tue Dec 9 07:41:00 CET 2003

Op Mon, 8 Dec 2003 18:36:40 -0800 (PST) schreef Rich Shepard aan
scott at, xfce list <xfce at>:

>    No wonder I couldn't locate 'xlock': it's XLock! It helps to have the
>  capitalization correct when trying to find a file

$ locate -i xlock | grep bin

tells you if you have an executable xlock without worrying about capitals! You
might have to do an 'updatedb' (probably as root) before locate finds recently
installed files.


Remco P. Lubbers (rpl at

| Linux kernel 2.4.22 | Mandrake 9.1 | XFce 4.0.1 | Pronto! 2.4.0 |

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