Settig 'xlock -mode blank' in 4.0.1

Scott Jones scott at
Tue Dec 9 02:57:57 CET 2003

On Monday 08 December 2003 17:20, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   When I try to set the command associated with the 'lock' icon on
> the panel I cannot access a command line.
>   Where do I set the lock (and dpms blanking) as blank rather than a
> pattern?

On my system, it looks like xlock takes its system default settings from 
/usr/X11/lib/X11/app-defaults/XLock.  You should be able to override 
those in ~/.Xdefaults.


XLock.mode: blank
XLock.vtlock: off (allows VT switching when xlock is activated)
XLock.dpmsstandby: (no. of seconds)
XLock.dpmssuspend: (no. of seconds)
XLock.dpmsoff: (no. of seconds)

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