mouse wheel wrong direction?

Bob Snyder bob.snyder at
Sat Dec 6 07:30:27 CET 2003

I find the use of the terms 'up' and 'down' in this context to be very 
ambiguous. First of all, my mouse wheel doesn't move up or down at all. 
It moves 'away from me' or 'toward me'.

When I move my mouse wheel away from me the text of a web page (for 
instance) moves 'down' on the screen which allows me to read things that 
are farther 'up' on the page.

When on the desktop, moving the mouse wheel away from me moves to a 
lower numbered workspace. This is roughly analogous (at least to me) of 
allowing me to read things farther up (i.e. earlier) on the a web page.

Is this how yours works?

Bob S.

Kurt V. Hindenburg wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On Friday 05 December 2003 02:52 pm, John Pettigrew wrote:
>| In a previous message, "Kurt V. Hindenburg"
>| <khindenburg at>
>| wrote:
>| > When I move my mouse wheel up, it goes down a workspace ( 1->4,
>| > 2->1, etc).  And likewise the opposite is true.  This seems
>| > backwards to me.
>| Does the mouse scroll correctly in other apps, or is it only xfce
>| that shows this inversion? If it's just xfce, how have you mapped
>| the wheel to workspace swapping?
>It is just xfce that is inverted.  All others are normal (scroll down, 
>moves page down, etc).
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