Xinerama mode [Re: using two monitors with XFce4]

Remco Lubbers rpl at
Mon Dec 1 20:28:39 CET 2003

Hi All,

In follow up of the messages below:
I did not have a shared variant of the Xinerama library, so I prepared it
according to the README and FAQ. Compilation went fine AFAICT, but starting
xfce4 gave just the xmessage box saying xfce crashed and that I should report
Killing X showed me a few xfce modules complaining about not being able to load file or directory not found, but:
remco at mars remco]$ ls -lh /usr/X11R6/lib/libXinerama.*
-rw-r--r--    1 root	 root	      5,3K Sep	5 21:59
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root	 root		16 Dec	1 20:02
/usr/X11R6/lib/ ->*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root	 root	      6,7K Dec	1 20:13

So I recreated the so.1 with the -shared option instead of -share, because the
manpage did not mention -share, but same problem: XFce4 just won't start.

I also created a shared variant of libXxf86misc.

The only thing I could discover in the XF86 logfile was the DRI could not be
started, could that be the problem?

I use XFree86 4.3.0
Compiled everything from source, did check all md5sums.

Can anybody help me out here?



Op Sat, 29 Nov 2003 23:57:37 +0100 schreef Olivier Fourdan aan Remco Lubbers
<rpl at>, xfce list <xfce at>:

> On Sat, 2003-11-29 at 19:21, Remco Lubbers wrote:
>  > according to my logfiles the displays are both detected and setup correctly.
>  > Starting i.e. blackbox gives me to 2 screens, so things are setup correct then,
>  > wouldn't you say?
>  Yeah, I would say so.
>  > speaking of window placement. I read somewhere that in xinerama-mode,
>  > maximizing a window should be within 1 monitor, if I do that in XFce4, the
>  > window maximizes over the 2 monitors. Does that mean the libxfcegui4 was not
>  > compiled with the --enable-xinerama option? How can I tell if the option was
>  > used during compile?
>  If maximized windows lay on the two monitors, then Xinerama support in
>  xfce is disabled.
>  > Well, in my setup (1280x1024 & 1152x864 in xinerama mode) I cannot see or reach
>  > the lower part of monitor2, so XFce is calibrated no monitor1's resolution
>  > IMHO. If I setup both monitors in the same resolution everything is fine, but
>  > maybe that's the missing --xinerama option as well?
>  Yes, Xinerama support in xfce takes care of that and adjust to each
>  screen size.
>  > I have to upgrade to 4.0.1 anyway, so I might do that this weekend. If things
>  > don't work as I want I will install from source and see what happens then....
>  Ok :)
>  Cheers

Remco P. Lubbers (rpl at

| Linux kernel 2.4.22 | Mandrake 9.1 | XFce 4.0.0 | Pronto! 2.4.0 |

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