Hello and a pair of questions

Javier Caneiro mcgyver at telecable.es
Sat Oct 12 17:08:19 CEST 2002

Hi, I migrate to Debian Woody and XFce v3.8.16 recently. This is my
first post in this mailing list.

I find documentation about change the defaults icons when minimize the
windows and how to save the windows positions when restart my pc.

I try to edit xfwm-session or make a ~/.fvwm2rc without obtaining

Can you help me or recommend me some page with interesting information
to customize my XFce?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english

  _    _____
 / \  / _/  \   Javier Caneiro (McGyver) <mcgyver at telecable dot es> 
 \\ \ \//   /  Usuario Linux #261573             GnuPG: 1024D/80915FAF
  \  \_/   /  Key fingerprint: B400 028D 124B 7D3E 510F 08D1 D16F F796
   \  /   /\
    \/   /\ \ "Un optimista ve el vaso medio lleno. Un pesimista lo ve
     \__/  \/   medio vacío. Un ingeniero ve el vaso demasiado grande"

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