always on top and the main panel

Nick Merrett nmerrett at
Thu May 30 16:24:16 CEST 2002

Olivier Fourdan wrote:
> Nick,
> The panel manages its layer by itself, so the "StayOnTop" has no effect.
> To acheive your goal, use the panel setup, go to "Xfce" tabfolder and
> increase the panel layer from the GUI.
> Cheers,
> Olivier.

i still havent managed gkrellm to be always on top, 
panel is working fine though, i have been playing with 
he pager geometry using *xfpager.geometry in the xfwmrc 

firstly which file should i be editing the local one in 
~/.xfce or the one in /etc/X11/xfce.

Secondly I have the feeling that nethier of these files 
are being checked at startu. Do i need to run some sort 
of reconfiguration script that will check the files or 
should i be editing another file alltogether or is 
there something else

Thanks again

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