create a debianpackage

Bache Kharazmi bache at
Thu May 23 18:47:10 CEST 2002

This is not really a xfce issue but I'll ask anyway.

I've downloaded the devil dir and tried to build a debianpackage. When I run debian/rules I get fallowed error. control does exists and I've read through it but havent found anything which seem cause the error

anyone who've had similar error creating a package or possibly knows what's causing this ?


bkw at tellus:~/xfce/devil/debian$ ./rules 
dh_testdir: cannot read debian/control: No such file or directory

make: *** [stamp-build] Error 1
# Bache Kharazmi		#
# bkw at			#
# uin:24089491			#
# phone: +46 707 702 170	#

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