xterm wont stay put after restart

Jay Pfaffman pfaffman at relaxpc.com
Sun Mar 31 07:30:38 CEST 2002

On Fri, 29 Mar 2002, Anthony Ewell wrote:

>    Since bash won't let me title my xterm's,  I have to echo
> something to the console to figure out which xterm it is.  Then,
> I repeat the process of positioning and sizing it.

Dunno if this'll help, but 

   PS1="ESC]2;\u@\h:\`pwd\`^G\\n[\\u@\\h \\W]\\$";

puts username at host in the titlebar.  The \n adds a blank line, but keeps 
bash from getting confused about where the end of line is.

Jay Pfaffman                           pfaffman at relaxpc.com
+1-415-821-7507 (H)                    +1-415-810-2238 (M)

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