uniread font in netscape

Patrick Wiseman pwiseman at mindspring.com
Tue Mar 5 02:47:42 CET 2002

I rebooted and it's back - sorry to have bothered you!


On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Patrick Wiseman wrote:

> This is arguably OT, but I had netscape using the uniread font supplied
> with xfce, and really liked it.  I just had to reinstall WordPerfect 2000
> (I know, but I need some of its functionality) and it seems to have done
> something with my font path, so that now netscape is unaware of uniread.
> Can someone tell me how to remind netscape of the availability of uniread?
> Thanks!
> Patrick

Patrick Wiseman
pwiseman at mindspring.com
Linux user #17943

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