xfskin and freebsd

H.R. ter Veer terveer at subdimension.com
Mon Mar 4 13:03:11 CET 2002

On Sat, 02 Mar 2002 10:55:09 +0100
"Giancarlo Rosso" <giancarlo_rosso at hotmail.com> wrote:

Hmm. i tried to make the restart function platform independant, didn't work i guess.
All xfskin tries to do is restart your XFCE, to re-read your config files
For now, you can comment out the restartXFCE function (line 440 in xfskin), and restart XFCE manual.
(to comment out, place a # as first char in the line)
Meanwhile i'll try to find a way to make the restarts function platform dependant.

> I just downloaded xfskin from yahoo, and i cannot make it work.
> When i try to install a theme i get this error:
> kill: illegal process id: gianca
> kill: illegal process id: gianca
>     while executing
> "exec kill -USR1 $pid"
>     (procedure "restartXFCE" line 6)
>     invoked from within
> "restartXFCE"
>     (procedure "put_config" line 17)
>     invoked from within
> "put_config"
>     invoked from within
> ".buttons.install invoke"
>     ("uplevel" body line 1)
>     invoked from within
> "uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"
>     (procedure "tkButtonUp" line 7)
>     invoked from within
> "tkButtonUp .buttons.install
> "
>     (command bound to event)
> I changed ps option from "-u" to "-U", but i got more error.
> What is it?
> Thanx
> PS i have FreeBSD 4.5, and tk8.3
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