Weird error after selecting a theme engine

Paul paul at
Thu Jun 27 13:21:06 CEST 2002

Hi everyone,

I was playing about a bit with the GTK theme engines (notif, thinice etc)
when suddenly everything seemed to collapse around me (on the screen). What
remained was a black desktop screen with 1 xterm.
I had selected a theme called "Eazel engine". I don't know where it came
from, but it was there so I tried it.

In the error logs I could find this:

**Error** - First 'engine' section must include a 'stock' section.

I suppose this comes from selecting the eazel. I had to run xfce_setup from
a console (I could still leave XFCE through the desktop menu (left mouse ->
After that things were viable again and I have my desktop restored.

Anyone a clue what is wrong here? You can believe that I am going to leave
that eazel engine alone from now on.
My system: Athlong Thunderbird 1.2Ghz, 256Mb ram, Mandrake 8.2, XFCE 3.8.16
built on this very machine from tarball.


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