Future enhancement?

Neil Timms neilt at netvigator.com
Sun Jun 2 05:49:02 CEST 2002

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 07:50:02 -0600
Collins <erichey2 at attbi.com> wrote:

> Someone else suggested this earlier, but I would like to add my vote.
> One of the few really good features of M$ Windows is the ability to
> keep the panel/taskbar window floating just below the bottom of the
> screen and to have it rise automatically when the mouse reaches the
> bottow of the screen.

I disagree - I like things to stay where they are if I put them there -
we don't all keep our panels at the bottom of the screen - I have mine
at the top (BeOS refugee) - I'd still not want it to slide away upwards
- I find things like this make precise mousing near the panel/task-bar
more difficult.


neilt at netvigator.com or neiltimms at neilt.org http://neilt.org/

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