Problem witn Geleon 1.2.0 and xfce 3.8.16

Neal Haslam linuxer at
Sun Jul 28 23:11:45 CEST 2002

On Sun, 28 Jul 2002 16:45:45 -0400
Kevin Ellwood <kellwood at> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am not sure if this is a galeon problem or an xfce problem but here
> is what happens.
> When I normally click on links to download files, the galeon download
> manager opens and displays the download progress until things are
> done.  However, from time to time, some download files are really
> small in size.  When I am using xfce and I try to download one of
> these files, the download window stays open without a frame around it.
>  The only way to close it is the exit galeon.
> The reason that I am posting here is because I think it is an xfce
> issue.  I have tried tests in other window managers (icewm, and gnome
> - I don't like them) and this problem never happens.  The problem also
> persists on two different distibutions (SUSE 7.1 and RH 7.1).
> To describe it in an inexperienced manner, it seems as though the
> galeon downloading window is closing too quickly for xfce to put up
> window decorations, which causes problems.
> Has anyone else had such an experience and is there a fix? 

I recall that problem.  I had it when I ran RedHat.  Sorry, I am not
certain exactly what fixed it, but I do recall upgrading to galeon 1.2.5
and upgrading imlib.  

Olivier will have some suggestions.  :) 

A couple months ago I switched to Debian (Libranet) and have not had the
problem since and I use _only_ XFce.

Registered Linux User #159445, Libranet Linux 2.0/ext3/XFce
Athlon 800 MHz Desktop and Toshiba 5105 laptop. 

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